The Geriatric Evaluation and Management at Home (GEM@Home) program aims to ensure that frail older people with multiple and complex needs gain rapid access to specialist assessment, diagnostic and management services including care coordination in their own homes.

This is in order to optimise recovery and reduce risks associated with hospitalisation.

The program has a particular focus on community-based referrals for clients who would otherwise require admission to an inpatient hospital setting.

The program provides time-limited Geriatrician, specialist nursing and allied health assessment in order to assist the client achieve their goals of care in their own home.

This is done in close consultation with the client’s general practitioner.

Service Description and Eligibility Criteria (DOC, 25KB)

  1. Phone our clinical nursing coordinator and discuss your client, we will confirm acceptance of your referral within 24 hours.
  2. Complete a Referral Form (PDF, 530KB)
  3. Provide relevant information concerning your client such as
    • Health Summary
    • Result/s of recent investigations
    • Relevant correspondent from other specialists providers
    • Infection status, recent weight, allergies, adverse drug reactions and any other alerts


Ph: 0439 688 028

Ph: (03) 9955 1255

Fax: (03) 9955 7582

E: [email protected]